
What's your age?


What's your occupation? 

I am a contemporary artist.

What is your artistic style? 

I create figurative, almost hyperrealistic pieces with a hint of pop art and abstract.

How do you portray substance of beauty in your paintings?

While working on a portrait, I always try to capture the personality of my subject besides the physical self. I truly admire human beings, and with a bright shining soul, beauty is a given. That, with harmonious, clean, fine colors and good composition creates the so-called beauty, which is the soul of art.

What is the inspiration behind your painting/or methods?

I find inspiration in my daily life, personal experiences, people and travelling. Life itself inspires me.

If you could name 3 beauty products that you can not live without what would they be?

The BR Biokiss lip balm, hand cream (AMELI French cookies body mousse) and cuticle oil. My hands tend to get dry from painting and cold.

How and when did you find your personal style?

I started experimenting with different styles as a teenager and I quickly found my own, which I would describe as French bohemian chic with revamped classic pieces. The older I get, the more I value quality and clean lines.

If you could give advice to your 20-year-old self, what would it be?

To believe in themselves a little more, to be less afraid of judgement, not get anxious about minor things and trust the power of providence. Life is wonderful and everything happens for our sake.

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