We tend to forget about our problem areas while constantly covered in all those winter garments. However, spring is right around the corner, and when the extra layers are off, you’ll soon realize that the annoying cellulite hasn’t gone anywhere. So, let’s start working on it ASAP, BeautyPest Inc. is here to help!


Everyone has cellulite. It’s women’s most notorious enemy, and while often falsely accounted to excess weight, it affects all body types. So, let’s talk about how to get rid of it! Cellulite is harmless, but has never been a good look, hence it can be awfully frustrating. It sneaks up on your thighs and buttocks during winter, but could also affect the stomach and waist area.

In order to feel the most comfortable in your favorite spring/summer items, we recommend dealing with this issue as early as possible.


Although a lifestyle change in itself won’t eliminate orange peel skin for good, as soon as you start making healthier choices, you’ll definitely notice the difference. Let’s see what we can do!


1. Start exercising on a regular basis. Physical activity boosts your lymph- and blood circulation, while also burns fat. It certainly helps a lot to trigger change, but keep in mind that exercise by itself won’t be enough to do the trick.


2. Water consumption has an absolute main role here: the recommended daily intake is 2.5-3 liters, which keeps your skin healthy and glowing.


3. Malnutrition and disorderly eating can cause cellulite. Foods rich in fat, carbs and calories are pretty unhealthy already, so let’s just stay away from those.


4. Alcohol and tobacco have never been kind to your skin, so it’s time to say goodbye to these nasty habits.


5. Too much stress is also unhealthy for your largest organ, as it messes with your metabolism, which (you guessed it) causes cellulite.


6. Conscious skincare means taking care of your face and the entire body, and hydration and massage have a major role in getting rid of the annoying bumps.


At Beautypest Inc. we take this issue seriously. How can we help?


We have incredible anti-cellulite body treatments! Looking for fast and visible results? Try the Anti C Slimming Program, developed specifically to target this issue. We also recommend Endosphere Therapy, which does wonders to the affected areas, while regular massage can also provide visible results.


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