autumn skincare, refreshing, hydrating, beauty tips, beauty care, fall , wellness


After a long, hot summer and right before the colder months, your skin deserves special attention, and autumn is the perfect season to refresh and renew. Follow our suggestions below to keep your skin healthy and gorgeous for the rest of the year.

As cold approaches, temperature drops and the weather becomes wet and windy. Such changes may affect your skin, therefore we recommend consciously paying attention to skincare. During cold, damp seasons, skin might become a little red, sensitive and dry, or even pale without proper care.


Wash your face every morning and night. With central heating, this becomes even more crucial, as the air turns polluted, which inevitably shows on your skin. Pollutants stick to the skin, mixing with sebum and clogging pores. They prevent proper airflow, which results in acne, pigmentation and premature ageing. We can help you find the best cleansing solution in our salon.


We recommend weekly exfoliation during autumn to wash off dead skin cells and let your skin breathe. If you combine regular at-home exfoliation with cosmetic treatments, we guarantee your skin will always look stunning and spotless. During autumn and winter, we recommend consulting a professional on additional peeling treatments to properly renew your skin.


Begin each day by applying a hydrating moisturizer. When choosing a product, look for moisture locking ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, carotenoids and vitamins, which keep the skin fresh even in windy, cold weather. Skin changes constantly, therefore each skin type and age needs a different moisturizer. We recommend consulting a professional to find the best solution for you.


Sun protection

Although summer might be over, you should continue protecting your skin from the sun, as UV rays are damaging throughout the year – they are responsible for skin ageing, wrinkles and dryness. Even if they won’t burn your skin around this time, they will still damage it without proper sun protection.


Lip care

Most people are unaware of the fact that lips have no sebaceous glands or pores, therefore they are highly prone to dryness. Apply lip balm several times a day. If you notice chapping, you could also use a special oil for the night.



You could also protect your skin from the inside. Drinking 2-2.5 l of water a day and maintaining a healthy diet keeps your skin resilient, smooth and flawless. We suggest taking dietary supplements during autumn, as we start consuming fewer fresh produce.



It is nice to have a little pampering session during autumn. Break the routine with a wonderful wellness weekend, and try a bunch of beauty treatments. BeautyPest Inc. offers several face- and body treatments, if you are looking for autumn rejuvenation and the perfect spa experience.

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